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DRS friesen

The Palgrave Companion to North American Utopias

2004 John W Friesen and Virginia Lyons Friesen
Palgrave MacMillan.

ISBN: 978-1403963994
The Palgrave Companion to North American Utopias is a uniquely insightful examination of utopian socieities, past and present, ranging from New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania to the Oregon coast and Western Canada. In this comprehensive and colorful history, we are introduced to visionary leaders and communities Read More »
DRS friesen

Sayings of a Philosopher

2004 John W Friesen
Detselig Enterprises.

ISBN: 978-1550592689
“Heredity: The problem with the family gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.” “Existentialism: Today the purpose of life is to make oneself happy even if just for the moment or at the expense of others.” Read More »
DRS friesen

We Are Included! The Métis People of Canada Realize Riel’s Vision

2004 John W Friesen and Virginia Lyons Friesen
Detselig Enterprises.

ISBN: 978-1550592726
The Métis people of Canada are experiencing a coming of age, a new beginning. Weary of living below the poverty level, amid poor social conditions, and with minimal educational opportunities, their leaders have finally addressed these issues with an effective voice. On September 19, 2003, they gained the legal right to be recognized as Aboriginal Read More »
DRS friesen

Aboriginal Education in Canada: A Plea for Integration

2002 John W Friesen and Virginia Lyons Friesen
Detselig Enterprises.

ISBN: 978-1550592412
Canada’s Aboriginal peoples have been the target of the processes of integration and assimilation for many generations. Now, thanks to a vibrant cultural renaissance and renewed political strength, the First Nations are making it clear that they want to have a say in determining their place in Canadian society. Before the concept of educational integration is Read More »
DRS friesen

Legends of the Elders

2001 John W Friesen and Virginia Lyons Friesen
Detselig Enterprises.

ISBN: 978-1550592955
Aboriginal legends have a unique place in history. They are truly Aboriginal stories, and as such they constitute the oral literature of each particular tribal cultural configuration. Aboriginal stories are pictures of Indigenous life drawn by Native artists, showing life from their point of view. Read More »
DRS friesen

In Defense of Public Schools In North America

2001 John W Friesen and Virginia Lyons Friesen
Detselig Enterprises.

ISBN: 978-1550592245
Generally speaking, the public has great faith in the nation’s schools. People demand education for their children and for themselves, so they set up public schools systems and assign them the responsibility of opening their doors to any and all, who can profit by attendance. They even tax themselves heavily year after year to pay the continually rising costs of education. As a result, they expect their schools Read More »
DRS friesen

Aboriginal Spirituality & Biblical Theology: Closer Than You Think

2000 John W Friesen and Virginia Lyons Friesen
Detselig Enterprises.

ISBN: 978-1550592092
The dawning of the twenty-first century has witnessed a more global philosophical outlook among North Americans. A healthy curiosity has motivated investigations into wider parameters of philosophical thought, including Aboriginal spirituality. This book not only offers an in-depth Read More »
DRS friesen

Do Christians Forgive? Well, Some Do…

2000 John W Friesen
Borealis Press.

ISBN: 978-0888872586
Most people believe in forgiveness, but they are not always willing to forgive. The question, Do people forgive? is relevant to any human relationship but forgiveness is rarely initiated without some degree of restraint and anguish. When the ingredient of Christianity is added to the query, however, forgiveness is supposed to be predictable and readily forthcoming. But is this always so? Read More »
DRS friesen

First Nations of the Plains: Creative, Adaptable and Enduring

1999 John W Friesen
Detselig Enterprises.

ISBN: 978-1550591958
First Nations of the Plains: Creative, Adaptable and Enduring documents the experiences of the Indigenous peoples of the plains after contact with the European invaders. This cultural clash literally turned the lives of the Aboriginal Peoples of this continent upside down. Always persistent, however, the First Peoples of the Plains have proven their mettle in a myriad of ways. Read More »
DRS friesen

Sayings of the Elders: An Anthology of First Nations' Wisdom

1998 John W Friesen
Detselig Enterprises.

ISBN: 9781550591620
“And so I say to you, the EuroCanadians; you have discovered our land and its resources, but you have not yet discovered my people nor our teachings, nor the spiritual basis of our teachings.” –Chief John Snow, Wesley Band, Stoney Nation Read More »
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