Tag Archives: Communities


What's Your Church Like?

2007 John W Friesen and Virginia Lyons Friesen
Xulon Press.

ISBN: 978-1602666078
coming soon. read more on amazon

The Palgrave Companion to North American Utopias

2004 John W Friesen and Virginia Lyons Friesen
Palgrave MacMillan.

ISBN: 978-1403963994
The Palgrave Companion to North American Utopias is a uniquely insightful examination of utopian socieities, past and present, ranging from New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania to the Oregon coast and Western Canada. In this comprehensive and colorful history, we are introduced to visionary leaders and communities Read More »

We Are Included! The Métis People of Canada Realize Riel’s Vision

2004 John W Friesen and Virginia Lyons Friesen
Detselig Enterprises.

ISBN: 978-1550592726
The Métis people of Canada are experiencing a coming of age, a new beginning. Weary of living below the poverty level, amid poor social conditions, and with minimal educational opportunities, their leaders have finally addressed these issues with an effective voice. On September 19, 2003, they gained the legal right to be recognized as Aboriginal Read More »

Do Christians Forgive? Well, Some Do…

2000 John W Friesen
Borealis Press.

ISBN: 978-0888872586
Most people believe in forgiveness, but they are not always willing to forgive. The question, Do people forgive? is relevant to any human relationship but forgiveness is rarely initiated without some degree of restraint and anguish. When the ingredient of Christianity is added to the query, however, forgiveness is supposed to be predictable and readily forthcoming. But is this always so? Read More »

Pick One: A User-Friendly Guide to Religion

1995 John W Friesen
Detselig Enterprises.

ISBN: 978-1550591125
Religious beliefs form the basis of all cultures. The morals, teachings and practices define society, legal systems, family life and personal belief systems. Ultimately, today in North America, religion is a matter of individual choice. Are you Buddhist? Christian? Muslim? Sikh? Pick One: A User-Friendly Guide to Religion delves into the religions that exist in Read More »

The Riel/Real Story: An Interpretive History of the Metis People of Canada

1994 John W Friesen
Borealis Press.

ISBN: 0-88887-182-1
The Metis people of Canada are unique. Their origins emanate from a merger of two of the nation’s founding peoples–resident First Nations and immigrant French. Their development and formation into a distinct culture is intricately linked with the role of their revered leader, Louis Riel. Read More »

The Community Doukhobors: A People in Transition

1989 John W Friesen and Michael M. Verigin
Borealis Press.

ISBN: 978-0888879059
It is fortunate that enough knowledge and experience of the old ways remains so that trans-generational comparisons can be made to determine the direction that community Doukhobors may select. Village ways, once the primary hotbed for individual memories, are also gone but their essence can still be recaptured through a visit with the older folk. Read More »

Rose of the North

1987 John W Friesen
Borealis Press.

ISBN: 978-0888879165
Rose of the North is a novel about a young teacher, Anne Granger, who travels to a remote Native community in northwestern Canada and falls in love with a local Native man. When her family learns about Anne’s involvement, they are very upset. The book outlines the resultant clash with Anne’s conservatively religious parents, and details aspects of the educational situation in a northern Canadian Native community.
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